My name is Luigi
American Village:La tour de buis

I am a fifteen year old boy. It's interresting to travel to learn English(I laugh). My favourite sport is soccer. Here we can pratice American Football,Zip Zap,Soccer,Crab Soccer,... . We pratice a lot of activity.
There a lot of activity:
  1. In the morning there are English classes for 2 hours and then Congress (where we learn and say sketches).
  2. The lunch isn't good.
  3. After lunch there are a lot activities.(see below)
  4. The shower is from 6h-7h
  5. There is dinner
  6. The evening activity begins
There are the following activities:
About me
  • My favourites movies are the "fast and furious"-"2fast2furious":
  • I love pretty cars: