My Name

Spike-e : My amercian name is Spike-e because it's the name of one of my favorite singers and he comes from an english group called Blazin'Squad. My french name is Isabelle.
Little River: My name in American Village is Little River but my real name is Emilie.

Date Of Birthday

S: My date of birthday is march 24th.
L.R: My birthday is may 3rd.

Where Do You Live ?

We live in the South of France , near Marseille : Spike-e next to Pertuis and Little River in Avignon .


S :I like skiing a lot , going shopping , going to the cinema ,listening to music and having fun with my friends .
L.R: I like spending my time with my friends, going shopping and going to the cinema. I like listening to music.

Life At School

S : I like french , english ( a lot ) , spanish and drawing . I don't like math , geography or biology. I have a lot of friends but not best friends ! I like going to school just to see them not for the classes !
L.R : I like english and french but I hate math and I don't like biology or technology !

My dream

S : I have a lot of dreams like becoming famous or meeting my favourites stars ; but I think that it's better to say that I want to have a beautiful life , with a man that I love , children and a good job ! It's quite simple but It's what I hope for .
L.R : My best dream is to become very rich , find the man of my life and become famous . I want have a child.