American Village. My name is grover. My favorite sport is football. My favorite color is green.

My Name

My name is grover pippin

Date of Birth

I was born the 30/12/92.

Where I Live

I live in Versailles.

I live in a medium size house, it is painted yellow.

My School Life

My school is called Sacre-coeur.

I will be in the 5th grade.

I like Mathematics and English because they are interesting.

I go to school at 7:30 and I go home at 4 or 5 o’clock.

I walk to school.

A Dream of Mine

When I grow up I want to be a sports journalist, because I love sport, especially football.

I want to visit Australia, because it has kangaroos and very good rugby.

Things I Enjoy Doing

I like to play football, rugby and basketball.

I like to play and work with computers.

I like speaking English, and going to English Camp.