French Neo Metal


The band Pleymo start in 1997. They are 6: 1 bassist, 2 guitarists, 1 drummer, 1 DJ and 1 singer. The singer does rap and the musicians make very strange noise (especially in the first album). Pleymo's originality rests with the DJ because he creates a strange effect. Their first CD was call "keskisspasse", it was very violent and most lyrics were very stupid. The second CD was cold medecine cake. it was violent too but there is a little evolution in the music (the lyrics were stupid like in the last CD). This year they did a third CD cold "rock" and i am a little disappointed!! You know what? The singer dont scream!!! He is singing!!!!!! But I have to say that the lyrics are better!!!

Click here to go to Pleymo official website. It is a very good and original site and you can see the old versions.