Liv Tyler

The beautiful one was born on July 1, 1977 in New York. It is the girl of Steve Tyler of the Aerosmith group and Baby Buell, mannequin in vogue of the years 1970.

All the small family leaves to settle in Portland, but Liv will return quickly in its birthplace. Its beauty will be worth to him to be mannequin as of the 14 years age.

Where as it finishes its secondary studies, it takes down the female role of the thriller of Bruce Beresford "Silent fall", then it will be chosen by Bertolucci for the principal role in "stolen Beauty".

It also turns in the clip of her father "Crazy" with Alicia Sylverstone.

It also turns in the clip of her father "Crazy" with Alicia Sylverstone

One will also see it in "Armagedon", where it interprets the character of the girl of Bruce Willis, then in "Guns 1748."

Since 2002, it is the egery of the perfumes Yves St. Laurent.